Monday, January 2, 2017

Here We Go

Here We Go

Like a thousand other people out there, I'm starting 2017 bright-eyed and bushy tailed, and inspired to become this "new and improved" person. 

My goal this year: to become a full grown adult. In 2016, I did a lot of adult things. I got my first teaching job at a public school, I got married, I got on my own cellphone plan, and chose my own health insurance. It's time I go from half adult to full adult, and 2017 is the year it's going to happen. 

I was thinking about keeping a journal, and I thought...nah. I'd feel like a prepubescent teenager in the 90s, writing about boy crushes and waiting for my boobs to finally come in. 

I thought about keeping a schedule, but yeah right. As much as I love lists and schedules, I never keep up with them. And I have a husband who absolutely hates set schedules, so I need a little flexibility in my life. 

Then, I came up with a solution. Blogging. The way a full grown adult "journals" these days. So here we go. I can't guarantee anything but honesty in this blog, and probably a lot of failure, and maybe even a little success. Here..we...go.  

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